This Nerf Accustrike Alphahawk is ideal for keeping kids entertained while at home, during outings, and camping. This set brings hours of fun, making time pass quicker, and in addition, it teaches kids about patience, targeting, and sharing.ACCUSRIKE SERIES
Strike with confidence! The AccuStrike Series features darts designed for greater accuracy. Hit the mark with the precision of the most accurate Nerf darts. The AlphaHawk blaster comes with 10 darts from the AccuStrike Series.LOAD, AIM, & FIRE
Get ready to battle with the Nerf AccuStrike Series AlphaHawk blaster! Load 5 darts into the drum and slide the bolt to prime the blaster for firing. Sight under controlled conditions at a target 30 feet (9 meters) away and pull the trigger to fire 1 of the most accurate Nerf darts. Prime and fire again to launch another dart.REVOLVING 5-DART DRUM
The AccuStrike Series AlphaHawk blaster has a 5-dart, revolving drum so battlers can unleash 5 darts in a row without reloading. The blaster comes with 10 darts from the AccuStrike Series. Strike with confidence in Nerf battles and blast darts designed for greater accuracy.
This Accustrike Alphahawk set is an ideal gift for kids eight years plus. Hours of fun watching and exploring keep the kids busy and entertained. It is an ideal gift for your child, or grandchild for any occasion, Christmas or b-day.-
Not suitable for children under 3 years
To be used under the direct supervision of an adult