These waterproof backpacks will keep your belongings safe and dry all the time whether it is a hiking or kayaking trip. Nobody likes a wet kit!
These bags are a must-have if you are planning for any kind of outdoor activity or adventure. Your things and all your equipment will be protected from any kind of splashing of water, during rain. An extreme Kayak trip definitely needs this bag.FOR ALL OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES
These are ideal for protecting personal belongings in all water sports. Ideal for motorboats, sailboats, personal watercraft, kayaks, canoes, camping, fishing, motorcycles. These bags are resistant to splashing water and also to brief submersion. Your clothes snacks, electronics are well protected in this bag.EASY TO USE
These bags come with a carry handle and a detachable shoulder strap, the shoulder strap can be adjustable. They are lightweight, easy to carry, and comfortable to wear.PORTABLE & DURABLE MATERIAL
The bag is very compact yet bulky, it can be easily rolled and folded to save space when not in usage. These are made of polyester with PU coating, fully waterproof, and last longer.
These bags come in different assorted colors, black, dark blue, light blue & red. One is randomly sent.Specifications :
10 L Waterproof Bag
: Dimensions: 30(W) x 45(H)cm
Weighs only 300 grams
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